14 Ağustos 2012 Salı

Crock Pot Caramel

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After seeing this pin a few weeks ago, I thought it might make a good candidate for the PINFAIL board, but surprise of surprises, it worked! 

The result is not the slick, creamy caramel you can create on the stove top, rather it is a sweet, clumpy, gooey concoction.  Good news?  It is idiot proof.  Simply place the cans in a crock pot (and yes you DO need a dish under the can to keep rust stains off the crock pot) and set it for 8 hours.  The water will begin to boil towards the end and after popping the top off the can, you'll have a version of caramel.

 I decided to try the full fat version vs. the fat free version to see if there was a noticeable difference and there definitely was.  The only problem is that I didn't run my experiment at all scientifically, so sadly I don't know for sure which is which.  I am pretty certain that the full fat version is the darker colored caramel on the right because it tasted much, much better and held together better.  I'll have to experiment more to know for sure :)  Of course, the full conclusion of the experiment is that both versions work!

So from PINFAIL to PINTASTIC, this little trick is absolutely worth a try!!

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[Gathered]. 6 ------------------------------> Zucchini

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It is still the heart of summertimes here in Pennsylvania and for us -- that means zucchini!  Some people have tomatoes and sweet corn to brag upon, but us?  We are up to our ears in summer squash - FROM ONE PLANT.  Every day one or two more squash are plucked from the plant and it just keeps growing and growing and growing!  I've made and frozen muffins upon muffins of zucchini batter, we've eaten them raw, fried, roasted and dried (zucchini chips!) and there is still zuchhini waiting on the counter to be used.  Somehow.

 Any advice? No?  You have zucchini too?
Here is a piece of advice for YOU.  Next year?   Don't plant 13 zucchini plants -- or even 3 -- or even 2.  
One - just one! -  is enough to provide a bounty of nutritious squash for the entire summer.

In the meantime, I'll keep gathering those veggies and hoping they keep eating them up...

...and we'll be waiting for that strawberry popcorn to ripen up for a change of pace...
What are you gathering this week?

Where did all the eggs go?

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There is something a little disconcerting about raising chickens, but having no idea where they are leaving the eggs. 
 Seriously -- it makes you feel like you forgot to wear underpants under your jeans or something.

So typically, the chicken laid their eggs in their nesting boxes, but for a couple days the chicks had rule of the roost during the day and the chickens weren't allowed in. They rebelled and found their own nesting box, but they didn't feel the need to let me know where it was. I finally came out one afternoon to hear a chicken squawking on top of the compost pile and gasp! -- there were a few eggs.

You would think I would have learned my lesson, but no. I still kept the chicks and chickens separate and the chickens decided to play a little game of hide and seek with the eggs again.

Once again, I heard some culcking and sqauwking -- this time from this clump of grass. I don't know why I didn't look earlier. These are the very grasses that I cut down and line the nesting boxes with each fall. Of course the chickens would gravitate towards them...

Turns out they were good girls - laying eggs all along -- and now I just know where :)

A little muddy, but no worse for wear, the eggs had been perfectly safe all along.   I've solved the mystery of the disappearing chicken eggs and I feel like I have panties on again.  Mission accomplished.