18 Haziran 2012 Pazartesi

On to High School

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Madeline was promoted from Middle School to High School this week!
I can't believe she will be a freshman in just 6 short weeks.(Short summer due to year round schedule)
The morning started out a bit hectic, as the zipper on her dress broke abouthalf way up. There was nothing else to do but sew her in.That's right! A needle and black thread I whip stitched her up!
And, as an example that she is not an ordinary teenager....she did not panic.When I told her we needed to sew her in she said "ok". When it was doneI got a "looks great!"And off she went.I wish I got a picture of all the kids in the crowd; her school promoted over 800 8th graders.This is more than all the kids that were in my 4 year high school.Here she is waiting to get her certificate with her friend Vicki.
Madeline and Vicki were in the Dual Language Program so they got to wear these special sashes!
Yes, she is bi-lingual.

Grandma and Grandpa took a day off work and came to the ceremony.

Here Madeline is with her best friend Casey!Don't they look so grown up!!
I am very proud of Madeline! She is down to earth, a nice girl, and works hard!She will do great in high school!!
After she enjoys her summer !!

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