20 Aralık 2012 Perşembe

Lamps are SO hard.

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Oh my goodness, lamps are so hard.  I know you hear me.  Surely some of you are out there, saying yeeeeees.  I totally get it.  Lamps are HARD.  There are a million and three choices and then (AND THEN) there is the choice of the shade.  A million and FOUR choices.  Then (AND THEN) you have to decide where to put them.

Let's take a few steps back.  Let's pretend we are starting with a room.  It needs light, right?  Right.  Do you start with a floor lamp?  table lamp?  ceiling fixture?  OK now, (NOW) let's move on to the million and three choices of lamps....and shades....and lightbulbs...and...and...and....I'm tired. 
 I just want light.

Maybe you can help me. Here is my basement.

Looking pretty shabby isn't it?
No wait. 

You should see the REALbefore.  Check it.

See? Getting better already isn't it?
So back to that first photo.  The piano is perfect and the IKEA rug makes my heart SING! The cork wall is going to blow your mind (just wait), but the real problem is...


There are florescent lights in this basement and while I want to transform it into a little cozy "cave" with a darker carpeting and leather seating -- I don't want that cave to be lit with horrible blue florescent light.  So what do I need?

Yup -- you guessed it!  Lamps.  ...with pretty shades and soft light.
So the whole room is done in these light, light shades of green, highlighted by brilliant tomato red and neutralized with white and black (hello piano keys and charcoal sketches!).  My dilemma?  Go neutral with lights or bold.   Lamps Plus has Color + Plus™ colored glass lamps in literally every shade under the sun, so let the journey begin. Let's try out a basic black and white first, shall we?

OK - so those would look nice perched on top the piano, wouldn't they?
Of course, now that I look at it, the complementary reds in that photo (up there!)are pretty beautiful too, aren't they?

....and here I go around and around and around in circles again.  Which color - which shade -- where do I put them ARGH!  At least the shade pairing is made a little easier by Lamps Plus.

So help me out friends -- what do YOU think would be the best lighting solution for my basement?  Do you have a similar space that frustrates you?  Please share your links, photos and comments in the FORUM -- I can't wait to hear from you!

made to order lamps in Pantone colors
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective; the opinions expressed here are all my own.

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