18 Şubat 2013 Pazartesi

Biggest Loser: Who's Gonna Win?

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After never losing a weigh-in, the Blue Team finally cracked last week. I wasn't surprised to see that the team member they voted off was Oklahoma policeman David Jones. I found David to be very likeable, but he ended up injuring his knee the first week of training, and was unable to do the same exercises as his teammates.  Again, it's one of those "Don't Try This At Home" things. When you've got 300-pound people running, doing squats and other hard-on-the-knees exercises, it's a wonder more of the cast members aren't seriously injured.

Anyway, I think David's teammates figured he was their weak link because he couldn't compete in a lot of the physical challenges. It would have been smarter to send Jeff home, because he's bigger and stronger, so he's the biggest threat on the team. But some players recognized that if David was already losing weight consistently while injured, he would be quite a threat once he was physically able to push even harder.

No matter. David seems like he's doing great — down to 220 pounds after starting the show at 307.  He   feels good about wearing his police uniform and has inspired the guys in his department. He was seen taking his daughter Tiffany for a walk. She has Rett Syndrome and needs a lot of care. David said that now he's stronger and in better shape to help with her care. I think our hearts went out to David, because we've all been in the situation of putting everyone else's needs first — because you just can't abandon your commitments and the people who need you. But sometimes there are ways to juggle your priorities to give yourself some time as well.

So who do you think will win? Danni seems to be extremely strong, both mentally and physically — she had to be to survive Jillian!  Now that Jillian has abandoned her negative tactics, Danni has done even better. Perhaps Jillian would have more of the White Team left to train if she had dialed herself down at the very beginning.
I'd like to see Jackson make it to the Final Four. I think his likable personality has kept him from getting voted off so far, but it would be a mistake for anyone to underestimate him. Joe definitely considers himself the top dog of the Red Team, but he could get blindsided.  Francellina did well this week.
One the Blue Team, Gina seems too whiny, and doesn't have as much weight to lose to get a huge percentage in the end. Alex and Jeff are both inconsistent with their weight loss. So I guess Michael Dorsey would be the one to beat.

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