13 Mayıs 2012 Pazar

Build a Leaning Trellis for Climbers and Shade-Loving Lettuces

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You know how sometimes something is so simple that you see it and then literally smack yourself on the forehead for not thinking of it earlier? That would be this trellis. I was at Longwood gardens, working on a piece for Houzz and chatting with my SIL Kjerstin when all the sudden we came around the corner and saw the vegetable garden. Smack in the middle of the garden was a trellis. Not just a regular stand up, let vines climb you trellis, but a strong, thick trellis, laid on its side on a slant.
I smacked my head.
THAT is brilliant. It is strong enough for heavy climbers like gourds, zucchini or even watermelons and pumpkins (if you bag the fruit to hang on), but the slant lets the vines shade the ground. Why is that important? Because shade can be hard to come by in summer, and that tilted trellis provides the perfect spot for lettuce greens when the going gets hot in July.

Go ahead -- smack your forehead -- you deserve it.

In the middle of the vegetable garden is the same concept -- different execution. This free standing structure is strong enough, with enough slats and openings for vines to crawl up and around. The shade the vines will provide make a perfect hideaway for shade loving plants AND people.

Want to see more of the veggie garden?   I wrote all about it at Houzz last week, head on over and take a look at Longwood Garden's Vegetable Test Gardens.
Just don't smack your forehead too many times -- you might leave a bruise...

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