23 Mayıs 2012 Çarşamba

First Football Game

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Sean had his first football game Tuesday evening!!!!  It was so fun!  Sean's team is the JV Leathernecks and all of the boys on his team except for 3 are in 1st grade the other 3 are in 2nd so we are a very young team.  When Sean first started practice, well the first few were hell---not even going to lie!   He whine and fussed and looked at the coaches like they were crazy and he thought I was a horrible mom for not letting him quit!  One day when we got there it was sooo hot and he looked at me and said "these people are crazy it is to hot to be out here." Granted he was right but he was still going to practice!  (Granted his grandma and I found a strip of shade that day and she ended up back in the car watching with the a/c on but that is on a need to know basis and he does not need to know :)  After that day the mean mommy that I am took away the video games and the tv and told him that I was not going to let him give up!  Not going to happen!  After he realized that I was serious he thought he might as well give it a try and he did and he came to find out that he actually likes it!  He is actually pretty good at it considering he has never played a sport up until now!  As a parent I think we were all very surprised at how well our 6 year old boys played the other night; lets just say once they had the first play and our team fumbled the ball and the other team took the ball and scored they realized hey now I know what coach Jason and Dan were talking about during practice it all clicked!  That was the only score of the game so unfortunately we did lose and mom almost fainted when I saw the size of the kids on the other team which 2 were girls (shocked at that too because they were as tall as me!) but them little boys played their little hearts out!!! Great job and it was sooooo much fun!!!! Loved every minute of it!  Will post pics soon.

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